Wednesday 3 December 2014

Places I've ben - Eumeralla formation, Otway Basin

Last Thursday I took a trip to the Otway Basin with the Monash 3rd year sedimentary short course students. It was a lovely day and we saw some beautiful outcrops. The Eumeralla Formation is volcanilithic sandstone, siltstone, mudstone, mud-clast conglomerate, with feldspar and quartz grains, and coal: fine to medium grained, consolidated, well-bedded, cross-bedded; braided stream deposits. It was deposited the same time as the Inverloch sediments in a similar environment.

Faulting with minor offsets - sandstone with finer grained, organic rich beds

A scour filled with muddy rip-up clasts, some spotted this trip were up to 20cm wide.

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