Wednesday 10 December 2014

Date Ideas: 10/12/2014 - Azul Macaubas quarry, Brazil (counter top geology)

I haven't seen this rock in person but the images I've found on the web make it a must see / must have. It seems to be a quartzite with a delicate blue colour introduced by dumortierite. The website that sells it is flash so not so good for getting images from however you should have a flick through their page (clunky though it is) - here. This is sold as Azul Macaubas, or sometimes Blue Marble. It looks best as large pieces such as bench tops. I think I need a bath made out of this, or a swimming pool maybe. Tiles would work beautifully as well.

I got the below image from here, and my structural geology brain went wow - look at those refolded folds!

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